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  • Hoteles Boutique de México - A curated collection for the discerning traveler

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    Tropical SPA

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    Tropical SPA

    This season we enjoy a variety of tropical fruits which enliven not only taste, but all our senses as well. Thus we bring to you three treatments that will surprise you:

    Capella Ixtapa


    This treatment is performed in three stages: first a body exfoliation with papaya or Chichioalxochitl (known as the good-health tree due to its digestive, detoxifying and regenerating properties). This exfoliation helps prepare your body by taking off the death cells, and is followed by a face mask of mango to hydrate and eliminate toxins through the skin and avoid premature aging. The treatment closes with a relaxing massage with a papaya/ mango body lotion acting as an antioxidant.

    Duration: 50/80 minutes

    Cost: $160/$230 USD

    L´Hotel Tres Vidas


    With tropical ingredients that will leave your skin smooth, glowing and features a body exfolaition followed by a passion fruit facial.

    Duration: 60 minutes

    Cost: $65 USD


    Enjoy a body exfoliation made with mango and coconut that creates a protecting layer on your skin with anti-aging properties.

    Duration: 30 minutes

    Cost: $38 USD

    Mary Carmen López (Eng)

    With over 10 years of experience in the hospitality industry and a bachelors in Hospitality and Tourism Management specializing in marketing and sales, Mary Carmen has developed her career working at various hotels in Mexico and abroad, focusing in recent years on the boutique hotel industry. Passionate about tourism in Mexico, in every trip she seeks to find the cultural, culinary and historic highlights of each destination.

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