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    Carnivals you have to live this 2020

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    Carnivals you have to live this 2020

    During the month of February, the streets in Mexico find themselves full of happy and colorful parades with people in costumes dancing and singing along the music. The reason? It is not completely clear, although there is a close relationship with Christianism, as it happens exactly 40 day before Holly Week and is something as “saying goodbye to pagan life” in order to embark into the Holly Week traditions with all the respect and commitment it involves.

    We invite you to live 2 amazing carnivals this year:


    Five days before Ash Wednesday starts one of the most representative and deeply rooted traditions in our country, The Mazatlán Carnival. With a little over a century of age, this festivity has become an important part of Mazatlán’s essence. The main stage for this fiesta is the famous Olas Altas boardwalk, where thousands of attendants rendezvous, both locals and foreigners.

    Actividades llenas de algarabía, con un significativo valor, son las que hacen a esta celebración tan especial; el emblemático Combate Naval es un festival pirotécnico que escenifica la lucha por la defensa del puerto durante el intento de invasión francesa en el año 1864. Los muchos desfiles tradicionales roban las miradas de todos y los contagia de emoción al disfrutar de la tradicional música de banda, disfraces y carros alegóricos.

    Activities full of hullaballoo, with significant value, are what make this celebration so special; the emblematic Navy Battle is a pyrotechnic festival which stages the defense of the port during the French Invasion in 1864. The many traditional parades catch everybody’s eyes and fill them with excitement while they enjoy the traditional banda music, costumes, and floats.

    To complement the celebration, the music arena will be covered by great international artists such as Pepe Aguilar, Carlos Rivera, Yuri, and others.

    The best option to stay in Mazatlán is CASA LUCILA HOTEL BOUTIQUE, our dear and most recent member.


    With the well-earned title of “the merriest carnival in the world”, Veracruz Carnival is for sure one of the most tangible manifestations of the good mood and festive spirit of the people from Veracruz.

    Artistic and cultural celebrations, as well as massive concerts are part of the celebration, which kicks off with the traditional “bad mood burn”, which symbolizes that, joy will be present in each and all of the attendants from that moment on. Colorful parades with floats, masks, costumes, batucadas and dances are the soul of this tradition which tours by the main streets and avenues of Boca del Rio.

    Para la celebración de este año, se tienen planeados espectáculos con los artistas y cantantes que actualmente se encuentran en el gusto del público, por lo que las sorpresas y la buena música serán elementos importantes para complementar esta festividad.

    For this year’s celebration, there will be shows with the artists and singers currently on the top billboards, so surprises and good music will be important elements to complement this festivity.

    We invite you to participate in this great celebration and to live the contrast of a relaxing and good taste experience staying at TRES79 HOTEL BOUTIQUE, located in the Magical Town of Orizaba, 90 minutes away.

    Contact us 1 855 2236061 / [email protected]

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