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  • Hoteles Boutique de México - A curated collection for the discerning traveler

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    The 4 most popular and visited fairs in México

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    The 4 most popular and visited fairs in México

    Fairs have always been and will be one of the most popular celebrations in the country, as thanks to them culture and tradition of host communities are made known to the rest of the country. They also offer amusement with other activities such as performance of Mexican and international artists, parades, rides, food sale and exhibitions.

    There are a lot of fairs in Mexico, all with a lot in common, but there are some that by their attendance and production stand out from the rest. We will list the 4 most popular fairs in Mexico.


    Celebrating the anniversary of the city of León, Guanajuato is the main purpose of this fair, which held its 144th edition last January and February 2016. One of the distinctive features of this fair is that it fuses the traditional part of of the fair with innovating elements of entertainment, such as the interactive farm for kids where they know different kinds of animals, touching and feeding them, along with the famous living statues and transformers, and the circus shows.



    Also known as “The Fair of Mexico”, this humungous celebration is held in a 222-acre area and about 8 million people attend to delight in a wide variety of shows such as the bullfights, the cattle show which boasts to be the largest one in Mexico, a charro championship and the crowning of its queen, among others.

    It has been 188 years since this celebration is held, with some modifications as the date which changed from November to April so as it matched the patron saint fiesta, Saint Mark.



    A successful series of bullfights and equestrian shows are the main elements of this fiesta, held every year since 1978. The celebration date is variable, as it has to match the Holy Week, between March and April.

    Entertainment offer is varied, with highlights in charro celebrations, cattle and horse exhibitions, popular dances, popular singers’ performances, the classical rides, gastronomic and handicraft shows.





    This fair kicks off in a peculiar and colorful fashion, with the floats parade which fill the street with joy to present the candidates to Flower of Tabasco. The venue is the beautiful capital of the state, Villahermosa, where Tabasco Park was built especially for this celebration, a venue of 138 acres divided in several sectors to show the 17 municipalities of the state with stands, commercial booths, cattle shows, open-air theater and music events.


    These are 4 important fairs worth visiting, tasting and living.



    Angela Ortega

    Nacida en el centro del país, pero pasando la mayor parte de su vida en el bello estado de Nayarit adquirió el amor por esas tierras y por las bellezas naturales que estas poseen. Con la firme convicción de ser gestora del crecimiento turístico en el estado y en el país, estudio la Licenciatura en Gestión y Desarrollo Turístico en la Universidad Tecnológica de Nayarit. De manera inmediata al finalizar sus estudios se incursionó en el mundo de la hotelería en Puerto Vallarta Jalisco, una cuidad icono del país, bien conocida por su amplia oferta hotelera. Estar inmersa en ese ámbito y desempeñando diversos puestos en diferentes áreas, le permitió desarrollar sus habilidades de trabajo en equipo, de espíritu de servicio, así como aprender los estándares de operación de un gran complejo hotelero. Pasados un par años y por motivos personales se retiro de la hoteleria, pero la vida puso en su camino a Hoteles Boutique de México, una empresa con convicciones muy similares a las personales, las cuales involucran representar a México ante el mundo como una marca que garantiza escenarios memorables gracias a sus bellezas naturales poseídas, así como un excelente trato por parte de una población que por herencia es servicial y buena anfitriona. Actualmente funge como Chief E-Concierge and Travel Designer en la empresa antes mencionada, ofreciendo día a día al viajero la oportunidad vivir una experiencia diferente donde la atención a los detalles hacen una enorme diferencia.

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