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  • Hoteles Boutique de México - A curated collection for the discerning traveler

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    Hoteles Boutique de Mexico and Semillas joined together in favor of women domestic workers of Guerrero

    Hoteles Boutique de Mexico and Semillas joined together in favor of women domestic workers of Guerrero

    Hoteles Boutique de México and Semillas have come together to support the Red de Mujeres Empleadas del Hogar de Guerrero (Network of Domestic Workers of Guerrero) in setting up “Casa Solidaria” a shelter for women and girls from the Mountain Region of Guerrero who migrate from their communities to the city of Chilpancingo looking to become domestic workers. These women and girls often find themselves in the need to take poorly paid or even unpaid jobs in order to get by, as they have no place to live in once they get to the city. “Casa Solidaria” will provide food and a temporary housing for them so that they have a chance to look for a better job while they settle in.

    For each donation made by their guests upon registration, Hoteles Boutique de Mexico will make an additional donation for “Casa Solidaria”.